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How to Encourage Athlete Logging

Three ways to get athletes to log their results after every workout.

Andy avatar
Written by Andy
Updated over 5 years ago

Follow these three tips to get your athletes logging their workout results in WodUp.

1. Coaches are key

Coaches are instrumental in encouraging athletes to log their results. Help athletes get in the habit of logging by reminding them to sign in to WodUp before class and to input their results after completing each part of the workout. A quick announcement does the trick!

Coaches can also reinforce logging by looking at the leaderboard at the end of the day to give out a few likes and encouraging comments. People will receive a notification and have a chance to reply. While they're there, they might like a few other people's results, and start creating that community.

2. Tell athletes why workout tracking is important

  • Set Goals: an athlete's past performance sets a benchmark for the workout they’ll do today. Knowing what weight to lift or time to beat makes it easy to set goals and stay motivated. 

  • Make Progress: by logging results, athletes can clearly see their progress over time and will push themselves to go further. 

  • Celebrate Milestones: it feels great to set a new PR! WodUp acknowledges PRs with a gold star and sounding the PR gong during a workout. 

3. Make WodTV the hub 

Treat WodTV as your digital whiteboard. This is where coaches will explain the workout and where athletes can see their performance history and log their results. TV monitors should be installed in a highly visible and easy-to-access location in the gym so that athletes can see the WOD during class and easily log their results.

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