WodTV gives coaches and athletes everything they need for a successful group workout class. From WodTV you can:
Display the WOD
Log results for class members
Display a leaderboard of results
Sign in to Open Gym and log your own workouts
Setting up to use WodTV
To use WodTV, you will first need to
Create your daily group program, and add a WOD for today. This WOD will be shown on the WOD page, and will be available for logging.
Create a class schedule for your program, so there is a class to sign in to on the Log Results page.
To show WodTV on a big TV screen, check out the recommended hardware.
How to Access WodTV
Sign in to your WodUp account.
From the YOUR GYM drop-down menu, select ADMIN.
You'll be directed to the programming page (shown below). Click on WodTV to display the class workout.
Your class workout for today will appear on the monitor.
If you have WODs for more than one program, you can select the program you want to see by clicking on the program name. Click a component to go full screen.
From the LOG RESULTS page, your members can sign in to class, log their workout results, and view their workout history.
You can switch between the three WodTV pages listed on the top of the screen:
WOD: displays the workout of the day.
Log Results: where members sign in, log their scores and view their workout history.
Leaderboard: view the leaderboard for each part of the workout.