WodUp lets you add different fitness levels and corresponding WODs to a single group class (e.g. beginner/intermediate/advanced or fitness/competitor etc.).
This is appropriate when athletes at the different levels train together in a single group class, but with different workouts. The class will have a single schedule.
Athletes subscribe to a specific fitness level and will see the associated WOD when they sign in to their WodUp account or use WodTV in the gym.
How to do it:
STEP 1: Define Different Fitness Levels
Settings > Programs
Click on an active Program or create a new one.
Add the name of the levels.
STEP 2: Program for Each Fitness Level
Assign parts of the WOD to different fitness levels:
Enter the WOD programming.
Select the fitness level from the drop-down menu (circled below).
You can copy any part of the WOD to a different fitness level, and then edit the workout as needed. This saves you time so you don't need to enter the same programming multiple times. (See below screen shot)
will show all athletes in the class (at all levels) in the list of names on the left side in the Log Results view
will display your class WODs with different fitness levels side-by-side in the WOD view: